Safeguarding your privacy is important to Diös, regardless of whether it’s our tenants’, employees’ or partners’ personal data being processed. In this data protection policy, we explain why and how we collect and use your personal data. It also describes your rights in relation to us and what you can do to exercise your rights. You can contact us at any time if you have questions regarding privacy or data protection by sending an e-mail to Diös at the e-mail address below.

What information does Diös collect?

You may have directly or indirectly provided information about yourself to Diös, e.g. when you have contacted us related to a matter or when you have paid your rent. This might include:

  • Personal and contact details - name, personal identity number, notification address, e-mail address, mobile phone number, etc.
  • Payment details - bank account number, rent payments, etc.


What do we do with your information?

Public authorities. Diös may need to provide necessary information to public authorities such as the Swedish Enforcement Authority, Swedish Tax Agency or other authorities if Diös is legally obligated to do so, or if you have given your consent to Diös to do so.

Your personal data may also be provided to the organisation “Fastighetsägarna” in which the landlord is a member, as well as other companies and organisations that the landlord works with at any point in time for property management, such as Fastigo, tenants’ associations and Fastighetsägarna, in which the landlord is a member.

Sharing. Diös may share your information with third parties.

Where do we process your personal data?

Diös processes all your personal data within the EU/EEA.

For how long do we store your personal data?

Diös only stores your personal data for as long as is necessary to perform our obligations to you, and for as long as is required pursuant to storage times defined by law. When you look for a place to live through us, we need to know a little more about you, and you therefore need to complete a form. Once the apartment is rented, all data is deleted.


  • Right to access your data. You can request a copy of the data that Diös processes about you, referred to as a subject access request (SAR).
  • Right to rectification. You have the right to have incorrect personal data about you corrected.
  • Right to erasure (“the right to be forgotten”). You have the right to request that your personal data be removed, if it no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. Legal obligations may nonetheless exist that require Diös to store data, and which prevent us from immediately erasing some of your personal data. Such obligations stem from accounting and tax laws and from consumer rights laws. In these cases, we will block the personal data that we are obliged to store from being used for any other purposes than fulfilling such legal obligations.
  • Right to object to processing. Furthermore, you also have the right to object to and request restriction of processing of personal data about you in certain circumstances.
  • Right to data portability. In many situations, you also have the right to data portability of the personal data you have provided to Diös yourself.


What applies in terms of cookies and similar technologies?

We use cookies and other similar tracking technologies to deliver you a suitable on-line experience. For further information, see the Diös cookie policy.

Contact us

Diös is registered at the Swedish Companies Registration Office with the organisation number 556501-1771, and its head office is in Hamngatan 13, 831 22 Östersund.

Diös is the personal data controller responsible for processing your personal data according to the above, and complies with Swedish data protection laws.

You also have the right to contact the Swedish Data Inspection Authority (soon to be Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection) with any complaints related to how Diös processes your personal data.

Send an e-mail to

The data protection policy was last updated on 13 June 2019.